This article was contributed by Julia Velikokhatko for The ONE Digital Marketing Agency. Earning money now is easier than ever. All thanks to modern technology and, above all, social networks. Many individuals strive to get cash by selling ads on their Instagram account. It is not easy, although it is quite real. In this paper, we will discuss how to increase the number of followers and determine the benchmark for how many subscribers are needed to start receiving money from publications.

How to boost an account from zero

For those who have recently registered on Instagram or have just opened their online store, the number of subscribers is social proof. Looking at the number of followers, newcomers subconsciously think that this store or blogger can be trusted if so many people have subscribed to it. This is why you should use the Inflact free Instagram bot to gain more followers right at the start. Of course, you can ask your family and friends to subscribe to your account. But there is one peculiarity here. Instagram algorithms analyze the audience. For example, you sell luxury watches, and your grandmother likes all your posts. Then Instagram will start showing your page to her friends, who are unlikely to buy your product. To avoid this mistake, use the automation tool Instagram follower bot free that will pick up a wide range of audiences in a short term.

Why does the number of subscribers matter

Every active Instagram business or influencer strives for greater reach and engagement. This is not due to the senseless accumulation of followers “for the sake of a number”. By creating a popular profile, you can reap many of the benefits of large reach. The first is the profit from the publication of advertising posts. While most users use the app as entertainment, others have long turned their hobby into work or business. In addition to selling their products and services, blogger pages with a good audience often act as advertising platforms. The more followers you have, the more often advertisers will contact you with a desire to share their product or improve their brand image.

How many followers do you need to start earning

If you’re questioning how many Instagram supporters you can earn from, you’ll be surprised. This is because this figure is not as big as it seems. The amount of your potential revenue depends on several factors:

what industry (niche) you work; engagement and coverage of publications; what methods of earning you choose, and with what partners you will work.

One thing is sure: you must have at least a thousand active users. The more there are, the more you can earn. However, if you plan on reaching a good income, you need to aim for big numbers. 10,000 subscribers will be enough to start earning. However, they must be active. An account with a 30,000 audience and 20,000 active subscribers can count on much more earnings than an Instagrammer with 80,000 followers, where only 15,000 are active. Big brands are looking for a wide audience to become recognizable and increase sales. But at the same time, not too big to guarantee high-quality interaction. That’s why you need to get at least 10 thousand active subscribers. Of course, it is worth saying that if you have a small local business (for example, a pastry shop or a building materials store) in a city with a population of 5,000, then even 500 subscribers will allow you to sell successfully.

Ways to make money on Instagram

Instagram doesn’t pay stores and bloggers for the number of followers. But subscribers help monetize popularity. If your account has an active audience, you may trade ads, publish affiliate posts, and sell your goods and services. The more engaged the audience, the more likes and comments under each post, the higher the engagement rate. You can earn cash on Instagram in almost any niche. Some of the more lucrative niches include health, travel, fashion, beauty, business, funds/finance, luxury, and lifestyle. You can trade any product or service – from children’s clothing and handmade goods to online courses, workout videos, and weight loss advice. Today there are a huge number of tools and strategies that help attract new subscribers and promote your account. Although, of course, Instagram was created for entertainment, if you work on this social platform, you should take it seriously.  Therefore, use all available methods – automation tools and bots, paid advertising, partner with influencers and, of course, make high-quality content. And most importantly, never stop. You will see amazing results soon.

About the author

Julia Velikokhatko is an expert in marketing and organization of international business events. As the head of The ONE Digital Marketing Agency, Julia is involved in promoting various businesses on social media, developing sales strategies, and analyzing marketing campaigns. She is an expert in creating content for brands.