Please note that the Enterprise and Education editions of Windows 10 will generally keep on receiving an additional 6 months (till October 9, 2018) of service support after reaching their deadline date for end of life service support. Also, the long-term servicing channel will receive updates until October 2026. Along with the changelog for today’s Patch Tuesday update for Windows 10 1607, the support page contains the following note. Also, today is the end of support for Windows 10 version 1511 Enterprise and Education. End of service support means that Microsoft will no longer provide such devices with regular security updates to those versions of Windows 10. Microsoft has already stopped providing updates for the earlier version of Windows 10 i.e. “threshold 1” and “threshold 2” updates that were launched in 2015 in the month of August and November respectively. This is because have had also passed their deadline date last year as mentioned by Microsoft earlier also.
Why Did Support end?
Every Windows product has a lifecycle. The lifecycle begins when a product is released and ends when it’s no longer supported. Knowing key dates in this lifecycle helps you make informed decisions about when to update, upgrade or make other changes to your software.
Last words: Running the older version of Windows 10 may allow hackers to potentially execute harmful code on your devices via newly discovered yet unpatched security holes. So if you’re concerned about your security, don’t forget to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10. To check what version of windows you are running Press windows + R, type winver and ok. Also, Check How to get the latest stable release of Windows 10.