Top windows command prompt Tricks
Creating Con Or Non-Delectable Folder With CMD
1 Top windows command prompt Tricks1.0.1 Check IP address of any Website1.0.2 Check Installed Driver list1.0.3 Create Wi-Fi Hotspot using Command Prompt1.0.4 Assoc CMD Command1.0.5 This command provides you with a list of programs and their associated files.
In Windows, you can not create a folder with the name con or can not rename a folder to con. This is because it is a variable name used by Windows programming. Other variable name includes lp1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9, aux. So Windows can not allow you to make a folder with this name.But with the help of the dos command, we can create a folder with such a name.
Press the Windows button and run CMD as administrator. Now Type CommandC:>md .D:con Here D is your drive location and con is your folder name You can not delete such folders manually by using Windows. To delete this folder type the following command in the command prompt.C:>rd .D:con Hide/ Unhide A Folder With CMD Command We can play some interesting tricks with the command prompt. Hiding a folder is one of them. By hiding a folder you can also save your data from other users. You can do this by typing the following command: attrib +s +h D:Srikant Where D is my Drive Letter and Srikant is the name of the directory we want to hide. If we can also unhide the hidden folder using the command prompt. To unhide the folder type the following command: attrib -s -h D:Srikant Open Command Prompt from current Folder When you open the command prompt, it opens up in either the User or System folder depending upon whether you run it as administrator or not. Now the thing is, if you want to execute a file in any particular folder, you would have to use the change directory(cd) command to navigate to the folder which can be a problem if the directory is nested way too deep. To ease things you can open the folder in your Windows Explorer, hold the Shift key when you right-click in the folder, and select the Run command window here to directly open the CMD prompt with the path to that folder directly. Shut Down Computer With Commands You can also shut down your computer by using the command prompt. Type the following command in the command prompt. For Shut Down shutdown -s ( S parameter tells the computer to shut down) For Restarting shutdown -r (R parameter tells the computer to Restart windows) And command for For Logoff shutdown -l ( L parameter tells the computer to log off windows) Shutdown Computer In specified Time With CMDYou can also shut down your computer at a specified time using the command prompt. If you want to shut down your computer after 10 minutes type the followingcommand. shutdown -s -t 600
Save a Command to a File If you want to save the results of a command to a .txt for future reference. Then it is quite easy you need to execute this after command > (destination/filename with .txt extension)”for example ipconfig/all > D/srikant.txt
This will create a text file on D drive named srikant.txt
Check IP address of any Website
You can see the IP address of any website just by entering “nslookup” command along with the name of the website.>For example, you can type “” to find its IP address. Run Command Prompt as Admin Many commands require you to run command prompt as an administrator. When you search for CMD in Start Menu, other than selecting Run as administrator from the right-click menu, you can simply press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open it with admin privileges. This trick will work for all the programs installed on your system. Get Help for Any Valid Command This is especially helpful for beginners, you know about a command, but you are not sure how it works. Not a problem, You can easily get info on almost every command you provide in the Command Prompt. Information includes complete details of what a command is.To get the help, just type “/?” at the end of the command and execute it. If the command is valid, the command prompt will give you all the information related to it. Use Function Keys on command prompt for different results 1. F1: Pastes per character last used command 2. F2: Pastes last used command only to a specified command character 3. F3: Pastes Last used command 4. F4: Delete command only to a specified command character 5. F5: Pastes last used command without cycling 6. F6: Pastes ^Z 7. F7: Provides a list of already used commands (selectable) 8. F:8 Pastes cycleable used commands 9. F9: Will let you paste commands from the list of recently used commands
Check Installed Driver list
Type driverquery command to see installed Drivers list Run Commands Simultaneously You can put && between two commands and execute them one after another. The command on the left will execute first followed by the command on the right of the double ampersand.
for example, you can type “ipconfig && dir” to execute both commands one after another
Create Wi-Fi Hotspot using Command Prompt
In the Command Prompt, enter the following command to enable Wi-Fi Hotspot.“netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspotname key=password” Once enabled, you can start the Wi-Fi hotspot by entering the command “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” or stop it by entering the command “netsh wlan stop hostednetwork“. You will also need to share your internet connection to this hotspot for everyone to use. Go to the “Network and Sharing” option from the “Control Panel” and then click on “Change adaptor settings” in the left panel. Here, right-click on the internet connection you are using and click on “Properties“. In the properties, go to sharing tab and check the option “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection” to share your internet connection.
Assoc CMD Command
There are many programs installed on our computer. Each program has its own file extension. It is difficult to remember each file extension. If you want to know which file is associated with which program then we can do this by typing the following command: Assoc
This command provides you with a list of programs and their associated files.
See Command History You can see the last used commands in a session using the navigation buttons, but if you would like to see a list of all the commands, you can get it by pressing the F7 button. Alternatively, you can use the command doskey /history to list these commands in the command prompt itself. These are some best windows command prompt commands which make windows easier. windows command prompt tutorial will definitely help you understand Command Prompt in a better way.